We've signed Photo Venture Camera Club up to participate in a free live program from photographer and photography educator Matt Kosklowski on Wednesday, May 5, at 6 p.m.
Kosklowski will be presenting a program on bird photography. It's sponsored by Sony, but he promises it won't be Sony specific. He is giving the program on several days; we chose this one because it's closest to our regular meeting night.
However, it does mean that if you want to participate, you must use the link below to go to the Sony Alpha web site, create an account and register for the event. Once the account is created you are registered. You will not receive a confirmation from the webpage but will receive an email confirmation.
Later you will receive automatic emails and the link prior to the live session.
Here's a description of the program:
Join Matt for a 75 minute live webcast on improving your bird photography for photographers of all levels. You’ll even get a free PDF “Bird Photography Field” guide, that you can keep on your phone, for a quick reference while out shooting. In this webcast, we’ll talk about how bird photography can be one of the hardest types of photography, but also incredibly rewarding to have a fun look into one of nature's most interesting animals. During this session we'll dive into the various gear, tips, tricks and settings to help make your bird photos stand out from the crowd. You'll even learn some photo editing tips to help with light, noise and distractions, so that you end up with beautiful razor sharp bird photos to share.
PS: Yes, this will be recorded :-)
Get the link in your MEMBER ONLY email dated 4/14/2021 from Eric.
Don't wait too long to sign up. They haven't announced specific size limits, but they did say that we'll likely be with other groups and "there will be a limit to the number of people, so the meeting still feels personal and Matt can answer all questions."