Location: Zoom MEMBERS ONLY
We’ll gather at 7 pm for informal discussion and then start the formal meeting at 7:30 pm..
We have been on a lot of photo shoots and it's time to share! Please bring 4 - 5 images preferably from a club event such as a Focus On shoot or field trip, something related to a presentation (eclipse, film, portrait posing etc) or an image you entered in a competition. Discuss why you shot it, what you liked about the results, how you processed it, what you would do differently if you could have a do over. If it was a competition entry, what have you done to re-process the image based on feedback. Our club exists to learn and grow from one another, so share your photographic journey with us.
Our online meetings are limited to paid members, who receive a Zoom link via email each week. If you would like a temporary pass to attend a meeting, contact one of our officers.